Further Documentation on Quantization

Quantization is a technique to reduce the precision of the weights and activations of a model. MASE supports a wide range of arithmetics with flexible precision settings. This document provides a detailed guide on how to quantize a model with MASE.

The core pass associated with this would be the quantize_transform_pass and its test file (usage example) is located in test_quantize.

Just like other transform passes, this requires a pass_args to configure the pass, the following provides an example of the usage:

mg = MaseGraph(model=mlp)
mg, _ = init_metadata_analysis_pass(mg, {})
mg, _ = add_common_metadata_analysis_pass(
		mg, {"dummy_in": dummy_in, "add_value": False}
# Sanity check and report
# mg = verify_common_metadata_analysis_pass(mg)
quan_args = {
		"by": "type",
		"default": {"config": {"name": None}},
		"linear": {
				"config": {
						"name": "integer",
						# data
						"data_in_width": 8,
						"data_in_frac_width": 4,
						# weight
						"weight_width": 8,
						"weight_frac_width": 4,
						# bias
						"bias_width": 8,
						"bias_frac_width": 4,
mg, _ = quantize_transform_pass(mg, quan_args)

The pass_args for the quantize_transform_pass is a dictionary with the following keys:

  • by: The quantization strategy, currently ['type', 'name'] are supported.

  • default: The default quantization configuration for layers that are not defined.

  • {"key" : value}: The key is the layer name and the value is the quantization configuration for that layer. key would be node types if by is set to type and layer names if by is set to name.

The quantization configuration "config" is a dictionary with the following keys:

  • name: The quantization scheme to use.

  • data_in_width: The bitwidth of the input data.

  • data_in_frac_width: The fractional bitwidth of the input data.

  • weight_width: The bitwidth of the weights.

  • weight_frac_width: The fractional bitwidth of the weights.

  • bias_width: The bitwidth of the bias.

  • bias_frac_width: The fractional bitwidth of the bias.

We consider the following quantization ops:


We supported the following quantization schemes that can be set in the config:

  • integer: Integer quantization scheme.

  • fixed: same as integer.

  • lutnet: LUTNet quantization scheme (DEV mode).

  • logicnets: LogicNets quantization scheme (DEV mode).

  • binary: Binary quantization scheme.

  • binary_residual: Binary Residual quantization scheme.

  • ternary: Ternary quantization scheme.

  • minifloat_ieee: Minifloat quantization scheme, where exponent_width and exponent_bias are customizable.

  • minifloat_denorm: Minifloat quantization scheme with denormalization.

  • log: Logarithmic quantization scheme.

  • block_fp: Block floating point quantization scheme.

  • block_minifloat: Block minifloat quantization scheme.

  • block_log: Block logarithmic quantization scheme.

For blocked-based quantization schemes, see this paper.