Mixed-precision search on MASE Graph

This tutorial shows how to search for mixed-precision quantization strategy for JSC model (a small toy model).


First we train a model on the dataset. After training for some epochs, we get a model with some validation accuracy. The checkpoint is saved at an auto-created location. You can refer to Run the train action with the CLI for more detailed explanation.

The reason why we need a pre-trained model is because we would like to do a post-training-quantization (PTQ) search. This means the quantization happens on a pre-trained model. We then use the PTQ accuracy as a proxy signal for our search.

cd src 
./ch train jsc-tiny jsc --max-epochs 3 --batch-size 256 --accelerator cpu --project tmp --debug --cpu 0
  • For the interest of time, we do not train this to convergence, apparently one can adjust --max-epochs for longer training epochs.

  • We choose to train on cpu and --cpu 0 avoids multiprocessing dataloader issues.

# search command
./ch search --config ../configs/examples/jsc_toy_by_type.toml --task cls --accelerator=cpu --load ../mase_output/tmp/software/training_ckpts/best.ckpt --load-type pl --cpu 0
  • The line above issues the search with a configuration file, we discuss the configuration in later sections.

# train searched network
./ch train jsc-tiny jsc --max-epochs 3 --batch-size 256 --accelerator cpu --project tmp --debug --load ../mase_output/jsc-tiny/software/transform/transformed_ckpt/graph_module.mz --load-type mz

# view searched results
cat ../mase_output/jsc-tiny/software/search_ckpts/best.json

Search Config

Here is the search part in configs/examples/jsc_toy_by_type.toml looks like the following.

# basics
model = "jsc-tiny"
dataset = "jsc"
task = "cls"

max_epochs = 5
batch_size = 512
learning_rate = 1e-2
accelerator = "gpu"
project = "jsc-tiny"
seed = 42
log_every_n_steps = 5

by = "type"
name = "NA"
name = "integer"
"data_in_width" = 8
"data_in_frac_width" = 4
"weight_width" = 8
"weight_frac_width" = 4
"bias_width" = 8
"bias_frac_width" = 4

style = "graph"

name = "graph/quantize/mixed_precision_ptq"

by = "name"

# the only choice "NA" is used to indicate that layers are not quantized by default
name = ["NA"]

# if search.search_space.setup.by = "type", this seed will be used to quantize all torch.nn.Linear/ F.linear
name = ["integer"]
data_in_width = [4, 8]
data_in_frac_width = ["NA"] # "NA" means data_in_frac_width = data_in_width // 2
weight_width = [2, 4, 8]
weight_frac_width = ["NA"]
bias_width = [2, 4, 8]
bias_frac_width = ["NA"]

# if search.search_space.setup.by = "name", this seed will be used to quantize the mase graph node with name "seq_blocks_2"
name = ["integer"]
data_in_width = [4, 8]
data_in_frac_width = ["NA"]
weight_width = [2, 4, 8]
weight_frac_width = ["NA"]
bias_width = [2, 4, 8]
bias_frac_width = ["NA"]

name = "optuna"
eval_mode = true

data_loader = "val_dataloader"
num_samples = 512

compare_to = 32 # compare to FP32

n_jobs = 1
n_trials = 5
timeout = 20000
sampler = "tpe"
# sum_scaled_metrics = true # single objective
# direction = "maximize"
sum_scaled_metrics = false # multi objective

# loss.scale = 1.0
# loss.direction = "minimize"
accuracy.scale = 1.0
accuracy.direction = "maximize"
average_bitwidth.scale = 0.2
average_bitwidth.direction = "minimize"