Run the transform action with the CLI

Train a model

./ch train toy toy_tiny --config ../configs/archive/test/train.toml --max-epochs 3

Quantise transform

  • The above command should have automatically saved a checkpoint file (your_post_training_checkpoint) for you, which was ../mase_output/toy_classification_toy_tiny_2024-06-20/software/training_ckpts/best.ckpt, you should use these generated checkpoint files for later command line instructions.

  • Quantise it with fixed-point quantisers

  • The load path --load changes with your generation time of course

The config takes the following format:

# basics
model = "toy"
dataset = "toy-tiny"

by = "type"
report = true

name = "integer"
data_in_width = 8
data_in_frac_width = 4
weight_width = 8
weight_frac_width = 9
bias_width = 8
bias_frac_width = 9

With the config, we can quantise the whole network to integer arithmetic by doing:

./ch transform toy toy_tiny --config ../configs/examples/toy_uniform.toml --load your_post_training_checkpoint --load-type pl

NOTE: the file name your_post_training_checkpoint is subject to change, this should be the checkpoint file generated from the training action.

Quantization-aware Training (QAT)

  • Load and do Quantisation-aware-training (QAT) with a transformed model

./ch train --config ../configs/examples/toy_uniform.toml --model toy --load your_post_transform_mz --load-type mz  --max-epochs 3
  • Quantise it with fixed-point quantisers

  • The load path --load changes with your generation time of course

NOTE: transform by default saves transformed models in a mase format called, fine-tuning the transformed model only need to load this .mz format.

Quantise transform by Type

# basics
model = "toy"
dataset = "toy-tiny"

by = "type"
report = true

name = "NA"

name = "integer"
data_in_width = 8
data_in_frac_width = 4
weight_width = 8
weight_frac_width = 9
bias_width = 8
bias_frac_width = 9

We recommend you to take a look at the configuration file at mase/configs/examples/toy_uniform.toml. In this case, only linear layers are quantised!