How to use the Statistics Pass Combined with the Ternary Quantiser

Train a model

We will be using the toy model with the toy-tiny dataset. We are collecting data about every layer.

We will be obtaining the maximums and medians.

Train using the following command

./ch train --config ../configs/quantized_ops/toy_ternary_collect_stats.toml


# basics
model = "toy"
dataset = "toy_tiny"


by = "type"
target_weight_nodes = ["linear"]
target_activation_nodes = ["relu", "linear"]
num_samples = 32

dims = "all"
abs = false

dims = "all"
abs = false
quantile = 0.5

dims = "all"
abs = false

dims = "all"
abs = false
quantile = 0.5

which = ["software"]

save_path = "stats_for_quantisation.toml"

Perform Statistics Pass

./ch transform --config configs/quantized_ops/toy_ternary_collect_stats.toml

This outputs the results of the statistics pass to a file named stats_for_quantisation.toml.


mase_type = "placeholder"
mase_op = "placeholder"


mase_type = "implicit_func"
mase_op = "size"


mase_type = "implicit_func"
mase_op = "view"


mase_type = "module_related_func"
mase_op = "linear"


mase_type = "module_related_func"
mase_op = "relu"


mase_type = "module_related_func"
mase_op = "linear"


mase_type = "module_related_func"
mase_op = "relu"


mase_type = "module_related_func"
mase_op = "linear"


mase_type = "output"
mase_op = "output"




type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 1, 2, 2,]

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 1, 2, 2,]
from = "x"

size = [ 1,]
type = "fixed"
precision = [ 1, 0,]
from = "NA"
value = 0

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1,]
value = 1

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 1, 2, 2,]
from = "x"

size = [ 1,]
type = "fixed"
precision = [ 1, 0,]
from = "NA"
value = -1

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1,]
value = 1
from = "size"

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 4,]

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 4,]
from = "view"

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 100, 4,]

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 100,]

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 100,]

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 100,]
from = "seq_blocks_0"

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 100,]

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 100,]
from = "seq_blocks_1"

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 100, 100,]

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 100,]

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 100,]

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 100,]
from = "seq_blocks_2"

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 100,]

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 100,]
from = "seq_blocks_3"

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 2, 100,]

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 2,]

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 2,]

type = "float"
precision = [ 32,]
size = [ 1, 2,]
from = "seq_blocks_4"












min = -4.972967624664307
max = 4.985265731811523
range = 9.958232879638672
count = 512

min = 0.0833507776260376
max = 0.0833507776260376
range = 0.0
count = 512

min = -0.4987639784812927
max = 0.4998381733894348
range = 0.9986021518707275
count = 400

min = -0.0033772289752960205
max = -0.0033772289752960205
range = 0.0
count = 400

min = -0.49093878269195557
max = 0.4969978332519531
range = 0.9879366159439087
count = 100

min = 0.021730512380599976
max = 0.021730512380599976
range = 0.0
count = 100

min = -6.881089687347412
max = 6.567787170410156
range = 13.448877334594727
count = 12800

min = -0.008840139955282211
max = -0.008840139955282211
range = 0.0
count = 12800

min = 0.0
max = 6.567787170410156
range = 6.567787170410156
count = 12800

min = 0.0
max = 0.0
range = 0.0
count = 12800

min = -0.0999840646982193
max = 0.099988654255867
range = 0.1999727189540863
count = 10000

min = 0.00030127764330245554
max = 0.00030127764330245554
range = 0.0
count = 10000

min = -0.09788546711206436
max = 0.09944488853216171
range = 0.19733035564422607
count = 100

min = -0.010821569710969925
max = -0.010821569710969925
range = 0.0
count = 100

min = -2.998079538345337
max = 2.9003794193267822
range = 5.898458957672119
count = 12800

min = 0.03673841804265976
max = 0.03673841804265976
range = 0.0
count = 12800

min = 0.0
max = 2.9003794193267822
range = 2.9003794193267822
count = 12800

min = 0.03673841804265976
max = 0.03673841804265976
range = 0.0
count = 12800

min = -0.09916079044342041
max = 0.09934879839420319
range = 0.1985095888376236
count = 200

min = 0.003981685731559992
max = 0.003981685731559992
range = 0.0
count = 200

min = -0.07179033756256104
max = 0.0846341997385025
range = 0.15642453730106354
count = 2

min = 0.006421931087970734
max = 0.006421931087970734
range = 0.0
count = 2

Use the Script to Generate the new Quantisation Config File

Here, the user can optionally use another config file as a “base” which will be modified to allow for the scaled ternarisation.

We will be using toy_ternary_scaled.toml as a base. This means that the values of quantize.default.config will be used to create the quantise config for the separate blocks.

It is necessary to have a separate quantisation config for each block as the stats are different for each block, and this was identified as the simplest way to get the appropriate stats to the quantise function.


# basics
model = "toy"
dataset = "toy_tiny"


by = "name"
report = true

name = "ternary"
data_in_scaling_factor = true
data_in_width = 2
weight_scaling_factor = true
weight_width = 2
bias_scaling_factor = true
bias_width = 2

[passes.quantize.seq_blocks_1.config] # ReLU override
name = "ternary"
data_in_scaling_factor = true
data_in_width = 2
data_in_frac_width = 0
data_in_mean = "NA"
data_in_median = -0.009714938700199127
data_in_max = 6.568027019500732

The script is run in the following way: ./ stats_for_quantisation.toml toy_ternary_scaled.toml --base toy_ternary_base.toml

The written file is:


model = "toy"
dataset = "toy_tiny"


by = "name"
report = true

name = "ternary"
data_in_scaling_factor = true
data_in_width = 2
weight_scaling_factor = true
weight_width = 2
bias_scaling_factor = true
bias_width = 2
data_in_mean = "NA"
data_in_median = 0.0833507776260376
data_in_max = 4.985265731811523
weight_mean = "NA"
weight_median = -0.0033772289752960205
weight_max = 0.4998381733894348
bias_mean = "NA"
bias_median = 0.021730512380599976
bias_max = 0.4969978332519531

name = "ternary"
data_in_scaling_factor = true
data_in_width = 2
data_in_frac_width = 0
data_in_mean = "NA"
data_in_median = -0.009714938700199127
data_in_max = 6.568027019500732

name = "ternary"
data_in_scaling_factor = true
data_in_width = 2
weight_scaling_factor = true
weight_width = 2
bias_scaling_factor = true
bias_width = 2
data_in_mean = "NA"
data_in_median = 0.0833507776260376
data_in_max = 4.985265731811523
weight_mean = "NA"
weight_median = -0.0033772289752960205
weight_max = 0.4998381733894348
bias_mean = "NA"
bias_median = 0.021730512380599976
bias_max = 0.4969978332519531

name = "ternary"
data_in_scaling_factor = true
data_in_width = 2
weight_scaling_factor = true
weight_width = 2
bias_scaling_factor = true
bias_width = 2
data_in_mean = "NA"
data_in_median = 0.0833507776260376
data_in_max = 4.985265731811523
weight_mean = "NA"
weight_median = -0.0033772289752960205
weight_max = 0.4998381733894348
bias_mean = "NA"
bias_median = 0.021730512380599976
bias_max = 0.4969978332519531

name = "ternary"
data_in_scaling_factor = true
data_in_width = 2
data_in_mean = "NA"
data_in_median = 0.03673841804265976
data_in_max = 2.9003794193267822

name = "ternary"
data_in_scaling_factor = true
data_in_width = 2
weight_scaling_factor = true
weight_width = 2
bias_scaling_factor = true
bias_width = 2
data_in_mean = "NA"
data_in_median = 0.0833507776260376
data_in_max = 4.985265731811523
weight_mean = "NA"
weight_median = -0.0033772289752960205
weight_max = 0.4998381733894348
bias_mean = "NA"
bias_median = 0.021730512380599976
bias_max = 0.4969978332519531

Finally, the Quantisation can be Performed in the Usual Way

`./ch transform --config configs/quantized_ops/toy_ternary_scaled.toml --load ../mase_output/toy_classification_toy-tiny_2023-07-27/software/training_ckpts/best.ckpt  --load-type pl