Lab 4 (Hardware Stream) for Advanced Deep Learning Systems (ADLS)#
Written by
Aaron Zhao ,
Cheng Zhang ,
Pedro Gimenes
General introduction#
In this lab, you will learn how to use the search functionality in the software stack of MASE to implement a Network Architecture Search.
There are in total 4 tasks you would need to finish, there is also 1 optional task.
Most of the guidance are in lab4-hardware.ipynb, make sure you followed it closely and try to finish the following tasks and answer the questions.
Read this page for more information on the hardware metadata pass. Why we have such a metadata setup? How is this different from the software metadata?
Read through
and make sure you understand how our MLP model maps to this hardware design. Explain what each part is doing in the.sv
file.Launch the simulation, log and show the simulation results.
Extension Task#
Choose another layer type from the Pytorch
and write a SystemVerilog file to implement that layer in hardware.
Then, change the generated top.sv
file to inject that layer within
the design. For example, you may replace the ReLU activations with
Re-build the simulation and observe the effect on latency and accuracy.