Source code for chop.passes.graph.transforms.pruning.prune_detach_hook

import torch

def prune_graph_iterator(graph, config: dict):
    # prune in second loop by applying hooks to relevant modules
    for node in graph.fx_graph.nodes:
        # pruning only deals with modules at the moment
        if node.op == "call_module":
            name =
            # remove weights
            if hasattr(graph.modules[], "weigh"):
                    graph.modules[name], "weight"

            if hasattr(graph.modules[], "_forward_hooks"):
                for k, hook in graph.modules[]._forward_pre_hooks.items():
                    if "sparsify_input" in hook.__name__:
                        del graph.modules[]._forward_pre_hooks[k]

    return graph

def hook_inspector(m):
    info = []
    module_name = type(m).__name__
    if hasattr(m, "_forward_hooks"):
        for k, v in m._forward_hooks.items():
            info.append((module_name, k, v.__name__))

    if hasattr(m, "_forward_pre_hooks"):
        for k, v in m._forward_pre_hooks.items():
            info.append((module_name, k, v.__name__))

    if hasattr(m, "_backward_hooks"):
        for k, v in m._backward_hooks.items():
            info.append((module_name, k, v.__name__))
    return info

[docs] def prune_detach_hook_transform_pass(graph, pass_args: dict = {}): """ Apply pruning transformation to the given graph. This is achieved by adding a register_parametrization hook to weights and a register_pre_forward hook to activations :param graph: The input graph to be pruned. :type graph: MaseGraph pass_args can be None or an empty dictionary. :param pass_args: Optional arguments for the pruning transformation. :type pass_args: dict :return: The pruned graph and an empty dictionary. :rtype: tuple """ info = hook_inspector(graph.modules) graph = prune_graph_iterator(graph, pass_args) info = hook_inspector(graph.modules) return graph, {}