Source code for chop.pipelines.auto_pipeline

from import MaseGraph
from import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class AutoPipeline: """This is the base class for the AutoPipeline. It takes a list of passes and runs them in order. The output of each pass is stored in a dictionary and can be accessed by the next pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pass_list=[]) -> None: """Initializes the AutoPipeline. Args: pass_list (list, optional): List of passes to run. Defaults to []. """ self.pass_list = pass_list self.pass_outputs = {}
def __call__(self, mg: MaseGraph, pass_args: dict, skip_passes: list = []): for pass_fn in self.pass_list: if pass_fn in skip_passes: logger.debug(f"Skipping pass: {pass_fn.__name__}") continue logger.debug(f"Running pass: {pass_fn.__name__}") args = pass_args.get(pass_fn.__name__, {}) for k, v in args.items(): if isinstance(v, str) and v.startswith("self/"): args[k] = self.pass_outputs[v[5:]] mg, pass_output = pass_fn(mg, pass_args=args) self.pass_outputs[pass_fn.__name__] = pass_output return mg, self.pass_outputs