Source code for

import toml
from tabulate import tabulate
from textwrap import wrap

[docs] def convert_str_na_to_none(d): """ Since toml does not support None, we use "NA" to represent None. """ if isinstance(d, dict): for k, v in d.items(): d[k] = convert_str_na_to_none(v) elif isinstance(d, list): d = [convert_str_na_to_none(v) for v in d] elif isinstance(d, tuple): d = tuple(convert_str_na_to_none(v) for v in d) else: if d == "NA": return None else: return d return d
[docs] def convert_none_to_str_na(d): """ Since toml does not support None, we use "NA" to represent None. Otherwise the none-value key will be missing in the toml file. """ if isinstance(d, dict): for k, v in d.items(): d[k] = convert_none_to_str_na(v) elif isinstance(d, list): d = [convert_none_to_str_na(v) for v in d] elif isinstance(d, tuple): d = tuple(convert_none_to_str_na(v) for v in d) else: if d is None: return "NA" else: return d return d
[docs] def load_config(config_path): """Load from a toml config file and convert "NA" to None.""" with open(config_path, "r") as f: config = toml.load(f) config = convert_str_na_to_none(config) return config
[docs] def save_config(config, config_path): """Convert None to "NA" and save to a toml config file.""" config = convert_none_to_str_na(config) with open(config_path, "w") as f: toml.dump(config, f)
[docs] def post_parse_load_config(args, defaults): """ Load and merge arguments from a toml configuration file. If the configuration key matches the "dest" value of an existing CLI argument, we use precedence to determine which argument value to choose (i.e. default < configuration < manual overrides). These arguments are then visualised in a table. :) """ if args.config and not args.config.endswith(".toml"): raise ValueError(f"expected .toml configuration file, got {args.config}") # Helper function to colour the output gray fmt_gray = lambda x: f"\033[38;5;8m{x}\033[0m" fields = ["Name", "Default", "Config. File", "Manual Override", "Effective"] table = [] config = load_config(args.config) if args.config else None for k in list(vars(args).keys()): if k not in defaults or k == "config": continue default_gray = fmt_gray(defaults[k]) if config and k in config.keys(): # Only merge the values from the configuration if there are no manual # overrides (i.e. the argument value doesn't deviate from its default). v = config[k] if getattr(args, k) == defaults[k]: setattr(args, k, v) table.append([k, default_gray, v, "", v]) else: table.append( [k, default_gray, fmt_gray(v), getattr(args, k), getattr(args, k)] ) else: if getattr(args, k) == defaults[k]: table.append([k, defaults[k], "", "", defaults[k]]) else: table.append([k, default_gray, "", getattr(args, k), getattr(args, k)]) if not config: fields.remove("Config. File") table = [ [k, default, override, effective] for k, default, _, override, effective in table ] # NOTE: We need to replace NoneType with a string 'None' for text wrapping to work # properly via maxcolwidths. table = [["None" if item is None else item for item in row] for row in table] print( tabulate( table, headers=fields, colalign=["left"] + ["center"] * (len(fields) - 1), tablefmt="pretty", maxheadercolwidths=24, maxcolwidths=24, disable_numparse=True, ) ) return args